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January 2025
Clyde Adams, Sr.
Diana Dorward Aikin
Irvin Ellsworth Alspaugh
Katherine Virinia Amerine
Martha J. Adams
Henry Hudson Aldrich
Cathnua Alexandria
Betsey E. Cronk Armstrong
Pearl R. Adams
Donald G. Allen
Ira Allen
Josiah W. Amrine
Effie Adams
Miriam L. Stroud Adams
Christian P. Albright
Averill Rhode Andrews
Julia A. Abbott
Marguerite Aldrich
William Allen
Ernest F. Amy
H. Parker Adkins
Isaiah Amrine
Ebenezer Andrus
Roger Lee Ault
Matt Ackerman
Roy Carter Adams
Trilby Adams
Gladys May Agnor
Lloyd Adams
Richard Attlee Anderson
Marilyn Mahlmeister Applegate
Philena S. Main Bailey
Mary Achey
Reuleff Adams
W. B. Albright
Mary E. Allen
Caroline E. Main Ackley
Bertha Swiney Adams
Cecile Mouser Adams
Sarah E. Amrine
William Edward Agner
Hattie Allen
Hazel Herring Allen
Sarah Samantha Courtright Alsp...
C. Gilbert Adams
Margaret Spangler Adams
Edward Newell Allen
Penelope S. Anthony
Desire Cook Adams
Betty Mae Marvin Allender
Jack R. Andrix
Samuel Roy Appleby
Marcus Akers
Margaret Arbagast
Minnie Leigh Armstrong
Lovie Belle Heath Athey
Pamelia or Permelia or Parmeli...
Harley B. Adams
William Alexander
Lilly Allis Moyer Alleman
Emily Maude Adams
Amanda Deppen Akins
Mary Catherine Wright Umstead ...
Abbie A. Burdick Allen
Mary S. Harris Adams
Gene Akers
Mary Eliza Bagley
Howard E. Barrows
Ethel Abbott
Edgar F. Adelsberger, Jr.
James Alexander
William Henry McKinley Alford
Jennie Hannah Knece Acker
Percival Adams
Clark C. Applegate
Eda Grant Adams
Marian Louise Erwin Adams
Clara E. Amrine
Jeremiah Sherman Anderson
Thelma Johnson Abrams
Charles Francis Alter
Lawrence Amrine
Charlie Burr Bailey
Isaac Addington
Jane Riley Allen
Charles Amerine
Mary Josephine Sackett Amrhein
George Ackley
Blanche Ernestine Adams
Vernon Buron Allinder
Vernon B. Allinder
Jean Carretta Albino
Barnabas Allen
Albeada Call Piatt Andrews
Hattie Williams Archer
Amelia Ann Bauman Ackerman
Mary Helen Bauder Allen
Ross E. Allen
Orven W. Angevine
Howard Aigner
Jesse Alison
Jesse Allen
J. Birney Adams
Woodburne E. Adams
Margaret Alden
Valerie Aldrich
Willie F. Adams
Nicholas Aisel
Blanche Victoria Andrews
Herbert Archer
Ola Leota Croy Alexander
Mina Lazina Bixley Amerine
Cyrus H. Andrew
James Madison Arnold
Marcus Akers
Jonathan Alder
Elizabeth Slocum Armstrong
Catherine Ackerson
Elford L. Alexander
Isaac Allen
Ralph E. Armitage
Events for this month that are not associated with a specific day:
Belle Adams
Frank L. Adams
Henry H. Adams
Isabel Adams
Martha A. Alexander
Avis Allen
Daniel Allen
Grace S. Aller
Grace S. Aller
Sadie E. Amrine
Ruth Andrew
Edna Andrews
Laura Applefeller
Fannie B. Armstrong
Carl N. Arnold
William T. Arnold
Oren G. Atkinson
Mable G. Austin
Sarah R. Austin
Charles Bailey
John Bailey
Bertha R. Baker
Charles Baldwin
Mary A. Cahill Baldwin
Laura Segner Ballenger
Clara Ballinger
Lee Balo
Sharlet Banister
Rosa Bantdel
George J. Barber
Ella Barker
Lucinda P. Barr
Alexander Bass
Moses Yale Beach
William S. Beall
Andrew James Dodge Beck
John Bennett
Manda Bensley
Lola Bent
Lydia Elizabeth Maine Bentley
Fred Guy Benton
Judson Benton
Mary Benzler
Mary Jane Bergandine
Willie Berkowitz
Edward W. Berringer
Lillian Otto Bevis
Lelia Bice
Cora B. Biddle
Ellen Bidwell
Myrtle Billingsley
Lena Bishop
Amanda Blair
bertha E. Blue
Emerson Blue
Anna M. M. Blumenschein
Matilda Blumenschein
Mary P. Bosh
Granville Boughner
Mary Clantz Boyd
Wilmer L. Boyd
Charles Brooke
Eunice Brooks
Ada Brown
Mary Brown
O. Browning
Charley M. Burr
William J. Butz
John Byn
John E. Cahill
Stella A. Callahan
Maude Cameron
Virgil K. Cameron
Grace O. Campbell
Edward P. Carey
Phebe J. Carpenter
Watt Carpenter
Allie M. Carroll
Fredrick Carter
Elizabeth Long Carver
Emma Cassiday
Mable E. Cavis
Freddie Chapin
Phebe Chapin
Charlie Chapman
Harry Chapman
Henry L. Chapman
Murrell Chapman
Robert Chapman
Mary P. Charles
Edward M. Clark
Harley Clark
Owen W. Clark
Johannah Clifford
Ellie B. Cloak
Johannah Clifford
Will Coder
Emily J. Coder
Opal Coder
Richard Cody
Mesenes or Mescenus or Mrcines...
George Coleman
Nellie Coleman
Elias Collins
Frederick A. Collins
Ozias Colver
Mary E. Adams Condit
Rose Congrove
Leslie M. Connor
Reynolds Converse
Edna May Cook
Minnie Cooper
Mary B. Corrier
Lilly Mae Cowgill
Fred E. Cramer
Ava Cunningham
Sarah Cunningham
Amos Curren
Earl Curry
Lena T. Curry
Delbert E. Curtis
David Dagger
Florence M. Danforth
George Daniels
Lawrence Daniels
Lilly Daniels
Minnie Mod Daniels
Susanna P. Daniels
Stella Danison
Mary E. Daum
William G. Davidson
Clara Davis
Eva M. Davis
James E. Davis
James W. Davis
Laura Davis
Mary Davis
Minnie Davis
C. Othel Davis
Bessie J. Dawson
Elwood Dawson
Lottie May Dawson
Maud E. Dean
William Dean
Maggie Dear
Rose Stout DeBolt
Airie D. Deddow
Dora L. Debood
John C. Dellinger
Edward Demorest
Lizzie Denman
Ira Denney
Anna Depp
Barbara Smith Dever
Rose M. Devine
Elvia DeWitt
Jessie Dickison
Newton Dierl
Hazel Dillon
Anna Bumgardner Dirst
India Disbennett
Edna Dixon
Rufina Doellinger
Stanley A. Dolittle
Charles W. Domigan
Mary S. Donley
Frank Donohoe
Cora F. Douglas
Frank Drake
Jesse M. Drake
Laura B. Drake
Marcus P. Duffield
Denver Dull
William Dundon
Nancy Dunfee
Winfield S. Dunfee
Ervinia C. Dunlap
Anna Durbin
George Durbin
John Durbin
Martha Durboraw
William Durboraw
William Duvall
Lulu Eckelberry
Edward Edler
Sarah E. Ehritt
Blanche I. Elliott
Robert L. Elliott
Henry Ellis
Cora Ellison
George O. Emmarine
Edward Engard
Carl D. Epps
Berthaniel Evans
William Evert
Joseph K. Ferguson
Amelia Ferris
Addie Fetter
John T. Field
Eliza Davis Fields
George B. Fields
Laura M. Fields
Thaddeus Fields
Mary Jane Finley
Ernest Finnin
Fredrick Firstenberg
James Fish
Iva A. Fisher
Leo D. Fisher
Orrin E. Fisher
Nelson Fleming
Lydia Ann Fogle
Mary E. Francis
Lora Frazell
Mary Frazell
Lucy Elizabeth Frederick
Gerald Gamble
Lee Gamble
Sarah Gammell
Margarett A. Gantt
Clifford Geeder
Elzie Geeder
Elmer W. George
James G. George
Christina C. Gerlach
Henry T. Gerlach
Anna Francis Gill
Marie Glassmeyer
Willoughby Gouldsberry
May Gordon
Clara Graham
Gracie Marie Graham
Joseph Graham
Agnes Grandstaff
Emma B. Graves
Alice H. Green
William Thomas Grider
Leroy Griffin
Calvin Guy
Hiram Guy
Howard W. Guy
Olive Hagans
Dora Haines
Weldon Haines
Gordon Hall
Marion Hamilton
George Hancock
Elizabeth Virginia Keller Harb...
Ruth E. Harper
George E or N. Harphan
Kittie Harphan
George Harris
Isaac Harris
Larn Harris
Louisa Harris
Oshelia Harris
DeVaughn G. Harter
Charles L. Hatcher
Max D. Hawkins
Mabel Marie Hayes
Indiana Hedge
Anna D. Hegenderfer
Margaret Weiser Heintzelmann
Anna B. Heminger
Nettie P. Henderson
Dora Herd
Lore Herrington
Sarah Catharine Hickok
Columbus Simeon Hildreth
Berton J. Hill
Ruth Hill
Willard Hill
William Hite
Clement Hollenback
David Hollingsworth
Maggie J. Hollingsworth
Bertha Holycross
Clarence M. Holycross
Edna M. Holycross
Florence Holycross
Frank R. Holycross
Pierson or Pearson Holycross
Ralph Holycross
George F. Hood
John T. Hope
Mary B. Wise Hornbeck
Ralph Horton
Frank Hottel
Albert J. Houghton
Elizabeth Gum Howe
Josephine Howser
Elizabeth Howson
James Hoy
John W. Hubbard
Magdelane Huber
Maris Huff
William A. Huff
Carl L. Huffman
Earnest W. Huffman
Hiram Huffman
Leon Huffman
Joseph B. Hughes
Maud M. Hughes
Sidney Hughes
Earl A. Hyland
Addison Ingmire
Nancy Cowgill Inskeep
Bessie B. Irwin
George A. Jackson
Mary A. Jackson
Portis Fay Jackson
John Lemuel James
Lafie Jarvis
Gertrude Jennings
James Jennings
Mary J. Turner Jewell
Pearle Jewell
Samuel Jewell
A. John
Alice Johnson
C. Johnson
Daisy Johnson
Emma B. Johnson
Fay Johnson
Harry Johnson
Henry W. Johnson
John H. Johnson
Mannie Johnson
Mary Johnson
Mary J. Johnson
Minnie Johnson
William K. Johnson
Iven Johnston
Ray Johnston
Arthur E. Jolliff
Catherine Jones
Edward Jones
Lydia J. Jones
Mary E. Jones
Mary Jones
Emma Jordan
George Jordan
Allen Kagard
Roscoe C. Kagy
Anna Kane
Magdelena or Lena Konig Kasper
Margretta Keckley
Mary A. Kellay
Elizabeth Virginia Keller
Sherman or Shurman Kelsey
Edward S. Kental or Kendall
Fannie B. Kennedy
Nathaniel B. Kenton
Francis C. Keran
Edith Kerns
Leasure Ketner
Anna A. Kilbury
Attey P. Kilbury
Blanche Kilbury
Fred Kile
Matilda Isabella Park Kile
Abalino Washington Kile
Milo J. Kimball
Eldon Clark Kincaid
Mary L. King
Wesley J. Kinnear
Bell F. Kinney
Clyde E. Kinney
Philemon Kirby
Mary Ruth Kirby
Matilda Kirts
Mary E. Kirts
Mary L. Kitelinger
Fred Kleiber
James D. Kline
Mary Annie Hawn Knock
Charles Howe Knotts
Clara F. Knotts
Provie C. Knotts
Catherine Koerner
Frank Kramer
Rebecca Kreager
Leota C. Krouskop
Clara Kuhn
Mary Kuhn
Oscar O. Laird
Daniel Landacre
Blanche L. Lane
Elizabeth Lane
John E. Lane
Mary Evalena Cox Lane
David Langstaff
James L. Langstaff
Minnie Langstaff
Emerson N. Larcomb
Helen K. Laughlin
Spencer A. Laughrey
Sarah Lawson
Jessie M. Ledley
Miriam D. Lee
Emma Leonard
Della Lewis
Letta Lewis
George Eugene Liggett
Lilly May Liggett
Lillian Bird Lingrel
Arthur W. Little
Edith M. Livingston
Samuel L. Livingston
Ellis J. Lloyd
Luretta Loar
Mary J. Lockwood
Bernyce E. Long
Elizabeth Long
Ethel I. Long
Lottie Long
Margaret Long
George E. Longberry
Sidney O. Longshore
Amelia M. Loschky
Anna M. Loschky
Eliza A. Louck
Thomas Loucks
Emily C. Love
James W. Love
Clara A. Low
Chauncey Low
Emma R. Low
Clifton Lower
Hattie Lowery
Samuel G. Lowry
Irene Lucas
Cordilla Mabery
Mary F. Mabery
George A. Macubrey
Albert Mader
John W. Mahaffey
William Mahaffey
Emily J. Main
Lee Main
Lydia Elizabeth Main
Margaret Roberts Main
N. B. Main
Lewis H. Malone
Mary Malone
Mertie B. Manley
Herbert Emery Manville
Frank B. March
Ralph E. Marine
Mildred Maris
George A. Marriott
Orville Marriott
Earl L. Marshall
Blanche M. Martin
Edna C. Martin
Fern P. Martin
William O. Mason
Marcus M. Mather
Millie Mather
Walter Mathews
Marion W. Mattice
Chester A. Mattison
Jacob Mattison
Martha Mattox
Edward Maugans
Charles Mayo
Maud F. Mayo
Samuel D. McAdow
Clinton McAllister
Ernest D. McAllister
Esta McAllister
Martha A. McAllister
Martha E. McAllister
Ellen G. McCamey
Ella Jane McCampbell
Flo McCampbell
James Delmore McCampbell
Dora McClain
Ethel M. McClimans
Jennie Ethline Peck McCloud
Donald L. L. McCombs
Isaac McCombs
Frederick McCord
Aurilla White McCrary
Zenas McCullough
Fay O. McCune
Sarah McCurdy
Almeda M. McDaniel
Lelah M. McDaniel
Sophia McDivett
Hester A. Skidmore McDonald
Ora Phemia Reed McDowell
Carl W. McElfresh
Edward McElroy
James McElroy
Lura McElroy
Nellie R. McElroy
John McFadden
Frances McFarland
Ora Mable McGee
Delilah M. McGown
Ann L. McGraw
Myrtle McGraw
Esther E. McIlroy
Annabelle McIntire
George R. McIntire
Stella McIntire
Merle McKim
Lacy McKinnon
Ida May McKitrick
Olive R. McKitrick
Mary McMullen
Clyde F. McNeil
Isaac Merritt
Naomi L. Merritt
Velorees Merritt
Ermest Miller
John Miller
Lillie Mae Cowgill Milligan
Samuel Milligan
Ethel Millington
Bertha Mills
Elizabeth McCune Mills
Joel B. Mills
Maneriva Mills
William Mills
Effie Mitchell
Frances Mitchell
James W. Mitchell
John M. Mitchell
Lily Mitchell
Pauline Mitchell
Elizabeth Loschky Moder
Frank Moder
George J. Moder
Lizzie Moder
Matthew Moder
Clara M. Moehn
Zena R. Moehn
Fredric Moffett
Gracie M. Money
William J. Monroe
Bessie B. Montgomery
Daisy or Dousy? Montgomery
Mary June Montgomery
Wilbert Moodie
Robert P. Moody
Carrie D. Moore
Cora Mertle Moore
Goldie Moore
John W. Moore
Joseph C. Moore
Mary E. Moore
Olan Moore
William N. Moore
Allie Moran
Geneva Morgan
Lotta D. Morris
Louisa Morris
Charles P. Morse
Warren Morton
George Mosier
Eva Moxley
Iron Moxley
Fred B. Moyer
John Mulcahy
Cora Mulford
Mary Mulrow
Delmer Mulvaine
Earl Mulvaine
Ethel Nafus
Grace M. Neel
Roy Nelson
James K. Newell
Mabel Newlove
Mary E. Nichols
Anna M. Nicol
Laura M. Noelp
Della A. Norris
William Norris
Florence Oberly
Mable Oberly
Mary C. O'Brien
Ogal Ogle
Edna Janet Hager Olmstead
Suel Orahood
Abraham or Abram Orr
Mary Orr
Carry W. Orsbourne
Ida B. Orsbourne
Melintha Osborn
Catherine Sellers Ousler
Theresa E. Palmer
Abraham Parish
Becca A. Parish
Elnore Parker
Grace Parker
Gladys A. Parmer
Johnnie Parthemer
Belle Parthemore
Dot Parthemore
Hazel W. Parthemore
Cora J. Murry Patch
Ray Patch
James W. Patrick
Mattie E. Patten
Clare K. Patterson
Luella Paugh
Ermil M. Paxton
Catherine Payne
Anna E. Pearson
Charles H. Pearson
Clarence Pearson
Ota C. Penhorwood
William M. Penhorwood
Carter B. Perfect
Joseph W. Perkins
Susanna Perkins
Anna E. Perry
Lulu M. Perry
Phebe Perry
Leo Peters
Ida Jane Chavous Peyton
Lawrence Peyton
Daniel Phelps
Earnest Phelps
Lemuel B. Phelps
Lydia Am. Phelps
Mary Phelps
Nellie L. Phelps
Eliza Phfund
Charles Banks, Rev. Phillips
Gladys Irene Phillips
Ellen Phipps
Celia Fuller Pierce
John W. Piersol
Maud Pinney
Warren Plunkett
Charles E. Poland
Ethel A. Pooler
Harvey A. Porter
Lucy J. Porter
William R. Ports
Asa E. Potts
Samuel Potts
Elsie Preston
Herman Price
James Price
Oletta F. Price
Susan A. Priest
Leland Pritchard
John Quick
John U. Raa
Mary C. Raa
Orlena Ramage
Julia Henrietta Crandall Randa...
John P. Rausch
Otilla Ravenaugh
Lottie E. Hazen Rayle
George C. Ream
Hazel M. Reames
Blanche Reams
Alfort H. Reed
Anna Reed
Lester L. Reed
Margaret Reed
Ruth Reed
Charles R. Reeder
Charles Rewlson
Horatio Rhodes
Harry C. Rice
Louise S. Rice
Daniel Richardson
Sarah E. Richie
Bertha Ridgeway
William C. Rigdon
Ivan R. Riley
Clara Rinker
David W. Rittenhouse
Gertrude B. Robbins
Richard O. Robbins
Grace Roberts
Ira Welch Roberts
Martha A. Roberts
Joseph S. Robertson
Carrie E. Robinson
Cora Strider Robinson
Earnest B. Robinson
Martha Irene Baxter Robinson
Pearl D. Robinson
F. Scott Robinson
Ida J. Rockey
Mable Rodgers
Mary M. Rodgers
Rose Rodgers
Willmoth Rodie
Carl B. Rogers
Daisy M. Lee Rogers
Goldie Rose
William Starke Rosecrans
Paul G. Rritz
Teresa Rubeck
Fannie Rumer
Pauline or Pollnce Rupright
Henry V. Safford
Hannah Elizabeth Said
Mary Zdanowicz Sajetowski
Edna Sanderson
Flora Riley Sanderson
John Gottleib Scheiderer
Jolis M. Scheiderer
Kunigunda Scheiderer
Lena Scheiderer
Louis L. Scheiderer
Maggie Scheiderer
Anna Margaret Doellinger Schei...
Mary F. Scheiderer
Royal Scheiderer
Esther Schlegel
Fred Schloenloeb
John Schloenloeb
Mary Schloenloeb
Gertrude Schmelzer
Emma Schrock
Frank Pearl Scott
Ila Hazel Scott
Lucy Scott
Nellie Scott
Gertrude Seaman
Sarah Ann Woodruff Secoy
Warren L. Seely
Grover C. Selba
Emma Seman
Blanche Sewell
Nettie C. Turner Shaffer
Louie J. Shark
Eliza Sharp
Dwight S. Shaw
Clark L. Shearer
Jennnie Rea Shearer
Norma K. Shearer
Charley Shehan
Harley Shelley
Ethel M. Shelton
Hester Hannawalt Sherman
Susan Shields
Charles A. Shipley
Arthur H. Shirk
Carroll M. Shirk
Ethel Shirk
Francis H. Shirk
Frank Shirk
Hazel Shobert
Christianna Shotts
James A. Shoup
Rush K. Sieg
Sylvester S. Sigler
Annie M. Single
Lola M. Wood Siples
Elwood Burton Skidmore
Freeman M. Skidmore
Hulda A. Skidmore
Levi Skidmore
Loyd Skidmore
John Slack
Berta E. Slemmons
Henry Olaf Slemmons
Mabel Smart
Addie Smith
Conrad Smith
Elijah Smith
Emily Smith
Eunice Spratt Smith
Isaac B. Smith
Jacob Smith
Jasper M. Smith
Jennie Smith
John Smith
Joseph D. Smith
Laura Smith
Lora J. Smith
Luvenia S. Smith
Peter Smith
Porter William Smith
Forest E. Snider
Elsie Mae Snuffin
Joseph F. Snyder
Warren G. Snyder
Orvil Southard
Plin Southard
Daisey M. Walford Spain
Jacob L. Jake b. 1-1930 Spain
John F. Spain
Charley Sparks
Louisa L. Sparks
Mary J. Spicer
Samuel Spooner
Nancy M. Moody Spratt
Cessna Spring
Hiland A. Springer
Leroy C. Stalder
B. --- L. Staley
Katie C. Staley
Charles W. Stall
David R. Stanley
Milan Starkey
Charles Herbert Steward
Lucinda C. Steward
Frank Stewart
Louise Stewart
Edith Stiles
Catherine Stith
Amaretta or Armeda J. Stokes
Bertha Elizabeth Stoll
Lulu Stoll
Noah Stone
Joseph Stratton
John G. Strauss
George T. Streng
John A. Gerhardt Streng
Margaret A. Stricker
Chloe Stubbs
Cora Stump
Polly Sturdevant
Ethel Suddith
Julia Suddith
John H. Suffit
Florence Sumpter
Katherine Surbeck
Albert Suver
John Swartz
John Swisher
Edith Tallman
Jerley R, Tallman
Alonzo F. Taylor
Amanda Taylor
Bessie Taylor
Carrie Taylor
Edward J. Taylor
Fielding Taylor
Doris D. Temple
Florence Temple
Joseph H. Temple
Sylvester Temple
Harry E. Thackery
Mary M. Thomas
John Thomas
David Thompson
Emma Kile Thompson
Frederica Hagenlocker Thompson
James Thompson
John H. Thompson
John Thompson
William Americus Thompson
Harriett Thornhill
Eliza Thornton
Robert Thurston
Wesley Earl Tilton
Norma Titus
Ruth E. Tobey
Aaron Tossey
Hazel Tossey
James P. Tossey
Flora Trafzer
Frank Trimbee
Charles Troetchel
Darwin Tuller
Cecil Turner
Eliza Horney Turner
Letron Turner
Lucinda J. McCall Turner
Nettie C. Turner
Rosa B. Gates Turner
Sophia Turner
Emmett E. Vanausdale
John C. Vanderau
Reuben Vanderau
William A. Vanderau
Bessie G. Vangordon
John H. Vermillion
William P. Vigor
Cheryl Renner Waddell
Mary Walden
Jennie M. Wallace
Julia A. Wallace
John Walters
Nellie A. Warner
Nettie Warner
Sterling L. Warrick
Daniel Waserback
Sarah Waters
Sherman Watkins
Ledney? Watrous
Martha H. Watts
Ivan Weaver
Elnora Webb
Catherine Weber
Howard A. Weinlein
Esther Weiser
Eunice Brooks Welch
Ernest Weld
Helen Adams Welman
Isaac Welshimer
Chark Wesley
Burnette Westfall
Della Westfall
Grace Westfall
Hiram Whipps
Arthur James White
Leah R. White
Sillvanus W. White
Valeria A. Schenck White
Martin Whitmer
Michael Wilbert
Charles Wilcox
Clyde L. Wilkins
Delmer Williams
Esther B. Williams
Ila May Williams
Millie F. Williams
Nola E. Williams
Raymond Williams
Willard L. Williams
William Williams
Joseph J. Willis
Curtis Wilson
Fannie Wilson
Al Winegardner
Mina Winters
Thomas J. Winters
Grace Wise
Tillie Wise
Anna M. Wolf
Laura Ellen Wolfe
Cora Wolford
Obie Wolford
Benjamin Wollam
Alice H. Wood
John Wood
Kathrine Wood
Thomas Wood
Frances M. Woodard
Robert L. Woodburn
Samuel H. Woodburn
Joseph Woodbury
Naaman Woodland
John Woods
Lucinda Worth
Emma C. Wright
Frederick E. Wright
Hiram Wright
John M. Wright
Mahlon or Malin Wright
Mildred L. Snyder Wright
Christian Young
Vinie Young
Mary Zdanowicz
Lucy Zigler
Christian Zurcher
Anna Ellanorah Zwerner
Mary Evans Bateson
Shirley E. Cantrell Beach
Charles Bell
Lucretia Tamison Westlake Bell
Blanche M. Bishop
Mary E. Blair
Foster Bond
Martin Brant
Milo Breece
Keturah May Bucher
Ruth Alice Musson Butcher
Eva Sarah Cadwallader
Catherine M. Buchman Callahan
Melvin Wilbur Campbell
Mary Candy
Margaret Cantwell
Uriah Carpenter
Solomon T. Carr
Marguerite Clawson
J. T. Clevenger
Almonta Click
J. T. Clevenger
Almonta Click
Pearl Beard Cochran
Beatrice Harding Bean Cole
Estella Van Fleet Cole
Guy Colflesh
Ernest Columber
Lydia Colvin
Titus King Cone
Jason C. Coons
Noah Cooper
Holly Austin Cornell
Judge Cory
Frank Hiram Cowles
George Coyner
Mary Jane Cramer
Catherine or Sarah Maugans Cra...
James W. Crawford
James M. Crawford
Addie Crider
Lois Crowder
James H. Crum
Edwin A. Crumb
Jennie Grace Cummins
David Dagger
Katherine Rottner Darst
Wallace R. Davidson
Murrel O. Davis
Thomas Davis
Elmer F. Deal
Mary Hester Denny
Ethel May Shirk DeWitt
Marium or Marion Dockum
Mary Dodge
Jennie McCampbell Duffield
Francis Dutton
Mary Evans
Lina Ezerins
Clara L. Figley
Helen Ione Ramlow Fisher
Jesse Estal Fisher
Jo Merrit Fleming
Josephine Northrup Foster
Harley W. Fox
Fred Johnston Gardner
Carrie Gilbert
Henry Ludwig Goeller
Alden B. Gooding
Jeremiah Goodrich
Elizabeth S. Gorrell
L. Charles Gorsuch
Henrietta Wilson Gorsuch
Frances Huff Gosnell
Porter Graham
Charles W. Grimm
Edwin Jarvis Griswold
Mary Frank Haas
Mable Jean Hamilton
Frank Harger
Mary S. Harkins
Madison Hayden
Calvin X. Heinlen
Clyde Henninger
Thomas Herd
Adelia Montgomery Herriott
John Hestwood
R. High
Blanche Hill
George Frederick Hoffman
Daniel Houseworth
Esther Treadwell Hovey
George R. Howard
Frances Huff
C. Sylvester Hull
Fred Wallace Issler
Betsey Jones
Francis C. Jones
W. Guy Jones
John A. Jones
Marion R. Jones
Daniel Kelly
Jerry Lee Kemper
Frank N. Ketterer
Otis M. Kinikin
Walter M. Kinkade
Kate Kirk
William G. Krause
Abraham Lakin
Milton Palmer Langstaff
Flora Irene Laughrey
Daniel Leatherman
Simon Lee
Gerard N. Letourneau
Hill Leverett
Rowena B. List
Samuel Lower
Gerhardt Mader
Nancy McCain Mahaffey
Eli E. Main
Frances Estelle De Garmo Main
James Clinton Main
Luke Main
Mary Ora M. White Main
Jessie Mann
Isaiah Mansur
Burton Fooce Mantor
David W. Martin
Ester R. Gay Martin
Howard Bertley Martin
Sarah Catherine Maugans
Stephen Maugans
Frances L. May
Lottie M. Mayo
Samuel McAdams, Sr.
Ova McComis
Barbara Anne McConnell
Gladys McCoy
Patterson D. McCready
Dalton K. McKitrick
Percy John McKitrick
Carrie Gilbert McLennon
H. Clinton McSherry
Lyman Cook Meeker
Patrick Merrick
Charles Merrill
Charles C. Miller
Martin Miller
Virginia C. Moist
Carrie Estelle Morey
Lillie Marie Milligan Morris
William Morris
Caleb Morse
Harry Eugene Mowry
Rosa Katharine Muhlenberg
Jack Mullaney
Ruth Alice Musson
F. M. Myers
Susan Viola Myers
Douglas Eugene Near
Johanna Wilaminia Vandenberg N...
J. J. O'Connell
Calvin T. Oller
Edith Jane Culbertson Orahood
Roswell Page
Isaac Pancake, Jr.
Geo. Pardington
John Parks
Harriet Parmer
John E. Parrott
Mary B. Penry
Joseph Perkins
Albert T. Pierce
Verne C. Pinyerd
Judy M. Poland
Bessie Bell Pool
Mary R. Miller Poppleton
Frank S. Potter
James B. Powers
R. J. Pumphrey
Ann Gildea Queenan
Harold R. Rafferty
Isaac Rea
Loren C. Reed
Charles A. Reitz
Mary Rhodes
Elza Rice
Mildred Richards
Gotlieb Riddle
Bernard H. Rittenhouse
Ellen Roberts
Flora Irene Laughrey Robinson
Ruth E. Robinson
Edna Marie Ruf
Lydia Ruhl
Clifford Rush
Charles Russell
Nancy Ann Sackett
Nettie E. Said
William Howard Salmons
Don Sanborn
James Owen Sanks
Erma L. Cline Savage
Reva E. George Schimmel
Cecil S. Freeman Schlegel
Wilhelm Hermann Schrader
Robert Scott
Amanda Seger
Sarah Jane Shaw
Elizabeth Holbrook Shepherd
Theodore Henry Shepler
Myra Spencer Shibler
Edgar Thomas Shirk
Ethel May Shirk
Irving. Irwin L. Shreve, Jr.
Tempa V. Sims
Clara J. Smith
Darrell Ray Smith
Eliza Rebecca Piersol Smith
Emma Smith
Marguerite Smith
Mary A. Snodgrass
Keturah May Snyder
Patricia R. Sparks
Gerald Murray Speck
John A. Stagg
Wesley Clinton. Steward
Marvin Stillings
William Strudy
Oscar Suddouth
Sarah Jane Swartz
Clyde Arthur Swick
Andrew C. Taylor
Louise Mahala Rittenhouse Tayl...
George Tellefson
Mary E. Nelson Temple
Edward C. Thomas
George Thompson
Fanny Tobey
Esther Treadwell
Judith A. Garee Tucker
Aquilla Turner
Green Vail
Johanna Wilaminia Vandenberg
Emma Moore Van Hoose
Samuel Vining
Sarah Vining
Reigfeiten John Vollrath, Sr.
Charles Alfred Waldorf
Olive Jane Weiser
Rowena B. List Weiser
Rachel E. Dehaven Wheeler
Noah Whipple
Mary E. White
Calvin Whiteman
Eunice Welch Wickham
Sarah Pierce Wilber
Phyllis Jean Williamson
Julia Ann Adams Wolfley
Charles Wooley
Ferman Wurtsbaugh
Leona Dorothy Yeager
Mary Zebold
Birth Date
Death Date
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